Wednesday, July 7, 2010

The best laid plans...

If you were to ask me what infertility has taught me, I would tell you that one thing is that I have learned that you can not "plan" your life. I have had to learn to take things as they come and figure it out as I go...However, if I had really learned this lesson, I would not have been surprised when we ran into a problem today.

Today's ultrasound was supposed to be pretty routine...I was just supposed to make sure the added estrogen was working and make sure I was set for Tuesday's transfer.
Well we did get that question answered and found other stuff as well...

Good News: Added Estrogen worked and my lining had increased from 5.6 to 7.2

Bad News: My left Fallopian tube is completely filled with fluid and "dead." the official term for this is Hydrosalpinx. It was most likely caused my my ectopic pregnancy. So...I have a saline ultrasound scheduled for Friday. If the saline, stays in my uterus and everything looks normal, I can proceed with Tuesday's transfer BUT if some of the saline goes into the tube then the transfer is cancelled and instead I will be having surgery to at the least "tie" the tube or depending on how it looks, possibly remove it. It is just a waiting game until Friday...

1) Has anyone had this before?
2) Since there is a possibility that this condition "sucks" things from the Uterus, do you think this was caused by the ectopic or that the problem with my tube, caused the ectopic??

1 comment:

  1. I had a hydro. When they took it out they told me that I prob. would never become pregnant unless I took it out. But if you had an HSG and it didnt come up....then I bet the ectopic pregnancy caused yours?
