Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Less than 36 hours...

...until our transfer. So yes, the last i posted we were trying the day 21 Lupron start to hope that we could still do a September cycle. We tried that and it worked!! We could have done the transfer as early as last week but we decided to squeeze in one more vacation for the year and head to Florida!! We got to see the new Harry Potter stuff at Universal and just spend some time relaxing. One HUGE negative about the trip...Lupron hot flashes on the beach are NO fun.

We added in the Estrogen on Aug. 28 and quit the Lupron and started my PIO shots on Saturday! I've been in for acu and adjustments a couple of times and go once more tomorrow night.

So now I am ready. I'm still a little unsure that this will actually happen after our cancelled July transfer but I'm trying to stay confidant.

Wish me luck!!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! This is great news Beth :)
    Sorry to hear about the hot flashes though!
    Sending sticky vibes your way for this cycle. Take care
